Saturday, 19 May 2012

Books, Movies, Boys.

source: weheartit

Books are life charger for teenagers. It charges our self with knowledge, so we can do right things in our life. 
Movies are a bunch of smiles for teenagers. It smilles to us and make us happy, even sometimes we doesn't really need it.
Boys are a..... set of crayons. They just make our life more colorful, even when they broke our heart.

- me, dont know what to say so type this little freaky quotes ._.

thanks for pidya and kak mita who helped me corrected my sentence._.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Fail Hijaber :p

hey there bloggie~ today is holiday and i spend my holiday in my grandpa's house._. it was........ a little bit boring but its okay :3 actually today i want to watch The Avengers with my friend, but she was canceled it T_T

see it on my post here ------> <----------------- :3

today i found my aunt's HIJAB SCRAF inside her........................ lemari baju *i dont know what it is in english please tell me lol -____- xD*
i know im not supposed to open her lemari pakaian but i already ask her permosion ~(^^~) so its okay._.

i tried to wear it by my self but i never wear that before, so it turns like this -______-
check it out ~(^^~)

 the last photo looks weird -__-

 like this one :3

 like this one too :3

i like the effect but i dont like my face there ^ -_- 

okay so thats it xD btw i use webcam toy to take that pictures. if you want to emm.. use anothere webcam applications, you can try this list : 

wish it help you :3
btw, if there is something wrong in my post, im doing typo or i use the wrong verb lol ._. please contact me or comment on this post.__. thankyaah xD
sorry i forgot to mention something._. i edit the photo again after i use an effect in webcam toy, i use Meitu Photoeditor, you can download it on google ~(^^~)

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Mr. and Mrs. France :3

hey there bloggers:3 long time no see (?)

so, im too lazy to post something here.___. but actually i already have a topic :3
last week im addicted to DRAW ._. i make something "weird" named Mr. and Mrs. France :3

so they are a character that i make. they come from France._. one man with mustache and strong eyes called mr. France, and his wife mrs. France, an eccentric woman with blue hair and colorful makeup.__.

lets check it out! its terrible i know._. btw, sorry for my bad english :/ if there is something wrong with my english, just comment and tell me._. i'll learn from it ;)

its mrs.france :p

its mr. France :{D

i use these small markers to draw them

lol i make some animated gif -_-

mr. France part 2, i know i draw a weirdos (?) mouth -_-

oke so there it is :3  please comment if you like~ btw if you want to repost, reblog, or share this picture, dont forget to credit me and never remove MY CREDIT. thankyahh :3

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Lil' Camera :3

my brother came home with my mother from some store and bring this lil' camera :3
aa its a toy camera with flash light, just like a real camera. but its a TOY :"

okay enough._.

sorry for low quality image._. i use webcam lol -_- aaa isn't it cutee :33 (red. me xD)

aa look at that little pretty flashhh :33 #halah ._. 

btw, i dont use jilbab this time so i photoshoped it with some black brush lol XD 
bye ~(^^~)