so, im too lazy to post something here.___. but actually i already have a topic :3
last week im addicted to DRAW ._. i make something "weird" named Mr. and Mrs. France :3
so they are a character that i make. they come from France._. one man with mustache and strong eyes called mr. France, and his wife mrs. France, an eccentric woman with blue hair and colorful makeup.__.
lets check it out! its terrible i know._. btw, sorry for my bad english :/ if there is something wrong with my english, just comment and tell me._. i'll learn from it ;)
its mrs.france :p
its mr. France :{D
i use these small markers to draw them
lol i make some animated gif -_-
mr. France part 2, i know i draw a weirdos (?) mouth -_-
oke so there it is :3 please comment if you like~ btw if you want to repost, reblog, or share this picture, dont forget to credit me and never remove MY CREDIT. thankyahh :3
unyu loh kak.. *ngarep dikasih sesuatu* baidewei, itu si Mrs France kok giginya warnanya kuning yah?? *digampar*
bagus iih, aku suka gambar yg eksentrik gini, menurutku kesan artistiknya keluar bgt *?*
btw itu pake spidol merek apa kak? aku dr dulu pgn ._.
" i use this small markers for draw them "
btw harusnya pake THESE loh bukan THIS
btw harusnya pake TO loh bukan FOR
^ berasa kayak guru bahasa inggris
Pake spidol Faber Castell xD :p
funny:D btw cool drawing!
@adhella : nyu -_- iya kan dia nyentrik gitu *apahubungannya* wkwk makasih nyu :3
@bila : aaa makasih bila xD itu pake faber castell._.
@mbak wenny : AH IYA XD wkwk okeoke bentar aku edit, muucieh qhaqha muah muah :*
@tomcat : iyeh._.
@farah : thanks xD
AAAAa SPIDOL*?* nya sama kayak punyaku !!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
@kak letttha : kak .____. itu spidol di jual di seluruh dunia.__. xD
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